Motes PlayedA Post-Self Story

A Little Book for Little Skunks

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Motes played.

She played because she was play. She played because that was her role in life, because that is just who she was. She played with color, played with life, played with death.

She played with fire.

Motes played, because how could she not?

Advance Praise

There’s not that much literature out there that touches on this sort of 5-12 year old kidcore aesthetic and it was nice to see it done so beautifully. I absolutely loved it, it’s up there with some of my favorite pieces.

— Faux

About the authors

Art by Voksa
Art by Voksa

Madison Rye Progress and Samantha Yule Fireheart are a couple’a nerds living in the mountains with their dog. Together, they have shepherded the Post-Self universe from a simple setting for a few stories to an entire world, working to curate the history and mechanics, as well as building the community that has sprung up around the setting.

About the artist

Art by B. Root

B. Root is an illustrator, 3d artist, and VR enthusiast living in the Pacific Northwest. He is also a rather small lion.


Thanks, as always, to the polycule, who have been endlessly supportive, but most especially to Sam, so many of whose words appear within this book. Thanks as well as to Tomash, Ellen, Andréa, and all the rest of the Post-Self community, who have helped build this lovely world, to Isiat and Faux for their kind words, and to Lilium who made me think most about the impact of my work.

Thanks also to my patrons:

Ammy; Andréa C. Mason; Donna Karr (thanks, mom); Erika Kovac; Fuzz Wolf; green; Kit Redgrave; Merry Cearley; Mx. Juniper System; Orrery; Rob; Sariya Meolody
Some Egrets; ramshackle; Christi; Erica; Junkie Dawg; Lhexa; Lorxus, an actual fox on the internet; Norm Steadman; Petrov Neutrino; raxraxraxraxrax; Sasha Moore, Strawberry Daquiri; ubuntor; Zeta Syanthis
Alicia Goranson; Ayla Ounce; Bel; BowieBarks; Katt, sky-guided vulpine friend; Kindar; Muruski; Peter Hayes; Ruari ORourke; Sethvir; Yana Winters

Thanks is due as well to all of the backers of the Marsh Kickstarter, without whom Motes Played would not be possible:

Krzysztof Drewniak, Nathan Merrifield, Andréa CERES Mason, Lhexa, Strawberry, Amdusias, Saphire Lattice, Ash Holland, Michael Miele, Ashley Hale, Mimir, Vendryth, Petrov Neutrino, Alexandrea Christina Leal, Kuviare, Nova, Vernon Jones, Andy Oxenreider, LadyLenalia, ramshackle heather, MisfitMephit, Some Egrets, NightEyes DaySpring, critters-system, doctorlit, Rachel Dillon, Joel Kreissman, Kate Eckhart, Giantrobots42, raine, Ayla Ounce, Alicia E. Goranson, James Tatum, Saghiir, Ember Cloke, Payson R. Harris, Vulpis, lenientsy, Campbell Royales, Laura, AntarcticFox, ubuntor, Asha Jade Goodwin, Barac Baker Wiley, Me, Robert Armstrong, Sethvir, Richie